Events – 2019 – International Year of Indigenous Language International Year of Indigenous Language Thu, 08 Jun 2023 16:19:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 International Translation Day 2022, A World Without Barriers: Translation and Interpretation in Indigenous Languages Tue, 27 Sep 2022 04:05:50 +0000 Online event organized by Translation Commons and UNESCO to celebrate the International Translation Day 2022.

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Translation Commons (TC) in partnership with UNESCO will celebrate the International Translation Day (ITD) on 30 September 2022. The International Translation Day aims to raise awareness of the importance of professional translation as it brings nations together, facilitates dialogue, understanding and cooperation, contributes to development and strengthens world peace and security. This year’s theme is A World Without Barriers: Translation and Interpretation in Indigenous Languages. The partners will co-organize an online event providing a space for dialogue among translators, interpreters and language specialists working with Indigenous and other languages from all over the world. Various topics related to the translation and interpretation of Indigenous languages including their use by interpreters in the legal and judicial systems, policy frameworks, access to language resources, capacity building, and the development of translation technologies for the preservation and promotion of these languages among others will be covered.

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PangaSININGse: Webinar on Pangasinan Arts Fri, 11 Feb 2022 08:26:54 +0000 PangaSININGse: Webinar on Pangasinan Arts that aims to conduct a seminar & training on language, ancient script, literary arts & other art forms.

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PangaSININGse: Webinar on Pangasinan Arts that aims to conduct a seminar & training on language, ancient script, literary arts & other art forms.

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Tutela del Multilinguismo: diritti, formazione culturale, media e nuove tecnologie Thu, 10 Feb 2022 20:38:44 +0000 Multilingualism preservation: rights, cultural education, media, new technologies. The theme of the conference conceived by dr. Massimiliano Verde, President of the Neapolitan Academy and organized in collaboration with the Council of the Naples Bar Association as well as the “Alfredo De Marsico” Library of Castel Capuano, is multilingualism as a principle and value protected by […]

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Multilingualism preservation: rights, cultural education, media, new technologies.

The theme of the conference conceived by dr. Massimiliano Verde, President of the Neapolitan Academy and organized in collaboration with the Council of the Naples Bar Association as well as the “Alfredo De Marsico” Library of Castel Capuano, is multilingualism as a principle and value protected by international law.  On the occasion of the 2022 International day of the Mother lamguage  we introduce the case of the Neapolitan language as a historical and cultural heritage of the Neapolitan community in Italy and abroad, also in relation to training, media and new technologies. In this sense,  it will be considered the multidisciplinary work of the Neapolitan Academy, for the protection of the Neapolitan language and culture, as well as for the promotion of Neapolitan speakers, primarily women and children, as well as  social and cultural experiences developed by teachers and activists.
The seminar will highlight, also pursuant to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Convention for the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), about the actual situation of the Neapolitan, a language codified by UNESCO as vulnerable and transmitted as a mother tongue.
The conference enjoys the moral patronage of the Consulate of the Republic of Nicaragua, competent for the Campania Region.

19 February 10.00h – 13.00h

Library of Castel Capuano Alfredo De Marsico
Via Concezio Muzii, 2 Naples

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Workshop on media creation in the Ho language Wed, 01 Dec 2021 17:49:11 +0000 As a response to the International Decade of Indigenous Languages, many language digital activists are working towards building capacity and resources to promote their own languages. This workshop is for discussing with the Ho youths at the Veer Birsa Munda Ho Students Union, Odisha their plans, the state of audiovisual media in the Ho language, and provide a capacity-building training for creating audio recording of pronunciations of words, a crucial resource for future speech technology development.

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There is a global shift towards using audio-visual media for communications and rightly so. Because an individual with illiteracy or blindness can still hear and understand from an audio recording even though they cannot read. This is exactly why radio as a technology has lived a long life. There is a drastic increase in access to smartphones and mobile data is becoming cheaper. This is good news for any language that has low or limited resources as there is an opportunity to innovate with available technology. If a language has a script and the unique pronunciations of that language can be mapped to the words, it is possible to find a solution for creating a text-to-speech engine. A text-to-speech engine helps read any text in a language that has a script. This benefits a person with illiteracy or blindness or every single user who would like to hear (and not read). However, most low-resource languages do not have enough audio recordings to create a text-to-speech engine. So, creating a decent audio library of all / most words in a language is a starting point.

As a response to the International Decade of Indigenous Languages, many language digital activists are working towards building capacity and resources to promote their own languages. This workshop is for discussing with the Ho youths at the Veer Birsa Munda Ho Students Union, Odisha their plans, the state of audiovisual media in the Ho language, and provide a capacity-building training for creating audio recording of pronunciations of words, a crucial resource for future speech technology development.

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15th Annual Native Spirit Indigenous Film Festival Tue, 02 Nov 2021 00:29:29 +0000 Native Spirit is the UK’s premiere and only independent annual festival screening Indigenous Film commencing 12 October Indigenous Peoples Day (Americas). Sister festival, Native Spirit Taiwan runs in October.

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Native Spirit Film Festival returns online and in-person to present Indigenous Language Films, MediaMakers, Artists and Musicians in October and November, Native Heritage Month. Now in it’s 15th year, Native Spirit is the UK’s premiere and only independent annual festival. Our sister festival,  Native Spirit Taiwan, runs in October with Indigenous language films translated with Chinese subtitles by the festival organisers.

The founder of Native Spirit Foundation, Freddy Treuquil, Mapuche leader states:

“All the [activists] have come to the conclusion that one objective of making video, radio and television is for the other culture to know us. It is necessary to create a bridge to share our culture in an educational form, without losing our identity.”

The opening night is in collaboration with Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford, accompanying Beyond The Binary exhibition. For more information and links to festival programme:

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Homo Festival dei Diritti, delle Culture e dei Popoli 3° ed. Presentation of the first Italian-Cherokee dictionary Wed, 09 Jun 2021 09:05:26 +0000 In a big effort to promote the importance of the Indigenous Languages, and to meke people aware of the risk of exstinction for many of them, the no-profit Omnibus Omnes Association is introducing to the public the first Italian-Cherokee dictionary, created by Raffaella Milandri and Myriam Blasini. This dictionary, containing the grammar, follows the Italian […]

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In a big effort to promote the importance of the Indigenous Languages, and to meke people aware of the risk of exstinction for many of them, the no-profit Omnibus Omnes Association is introducing to the public the first Italian-Cherokee dictionary, created by Raffaella Milandri and Myriam Blasini. This dictionary, containing the grammar, follows the Italian Lakota Dictionary published in 2019. There will be a public conference and a press release world wide. This might be an example for other researcher for pointing the attention on Indigenous Languages, to keep them alive and subject of studying. The languages are very important for people idendity, expecially for Indigenous People, forced into assimilation and colonization.

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Shaheed Gundadhur (Baga Dhurwa) Fri, 26 Feb 2021 10:01:53 +0000 Martyr Gundadhur is recognized amongst the eminent tribal heroes of the 20th century. His movement against the tyrannical rule of the British was showcased as a rebellion in the pages of history.

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Martyr Gundadhur is recognized amongst the eminent tribal heroes of the 20th century. His movement against the tyrannical rule of the British was showcased as a rebellion in the pages of history. Even today one could see the glimpse of his movement amongst the Bastar tribals. He started his revolt against the British in 1908 however the movement picked up the momentum in 1910. The British government declared two-third of Kanger forest as reserved forest and put ban on agriculture, hunting, and taking forest products. Due to which tribals were displaced. Gundadhur fought against the repressive regime of the British as a result he was martyred.


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Multilingual projects of native languages in Mexico: Day of the mother language Wed, 17 Feb 2021 11:01:37 +0000 The IEAL prepares the activity around native languages as part of the project: Other languages, other worlds: native languages in Mexico, directed by anthropologist David Lagunas and Aline Lara, a project within our Institute.

Participating on this occasion will be:

- Petronila Pérez Velasco: Native of the Sola de Vega Community Oaxaca. Mixteca Baja. Primary School Teacher. Tnu'u Savi Language.
Tachi k☨v☨n: inclusive project in primary schools.

-Jhonnatan Rangel. Master in Language Sciences and Applied Languages from the University of Rouen and PhD in Language Sciences from INALCO (National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilizations). Ayapaneco language
Ayapabot: using Twitter as a revitalization tool

-Marco Antonio Martínez. Originally from Santa María Ocotepec, Mixe, Oaxaca, Mexico. Member of Kumoontun A. C. Member of the Network of Digital Activists of Indigenous Languages in Latin America. Speaker of the Ayöök language
The ap-ok maaytïk and the Kumoontun app.

-Hugo Cortez Lemus. Originally from Arantepacua, Michoacán, representative of this community established in the city of Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico. He was state coordinator of the Indigenous Front of Binational Organizations (FIOB) from 2008 to 2010. Speaker of the P'orhé language.
The preservation and revitalization of the P'orhé (Purhépecha) language on the U.S.-Mexico border.

-Adriana Kupijy Vargas. Originally from the community of Tejas, in the municipality of Santa María Tlahuitoltepec, Mixe, Oaxaca. Student of Pedagogy at the Facultad de Estudios Superiores Acatlán, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM).
Community libraries. Promotion of culture and revitalization of language and community thought.

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The theme of International Mother Language Day 2021 “Fostering Multilingualism for Inclusion in Education and Society” recognizes that languages and multilingualism can foster inclusion, and that the Sustainable Development Goals focus on leaving no one behind.

UNESCO believes that education, based on the first or mother tongue, should start from the earliest years of schooling, as early childhood care and education is the foundation for learning.

The IEAL prepares the activity around native languages as part of the project: Other languages, other worlds: native languages in Mexico, directed by anthropologist David Lagunas and Aline Lara, a project within our Institute.

Participating on this occasion will be:

Petronila Pérez Velasco: Native of the Sola de Vega Community Oaxaca. Mixteca Baja. Primary School Teacher. Tnu’u Savi Language.
Tachi k☨v☨n: inclusive project in primary schools.

Jhonnatan Rangel. Master in Language Sciences and Applied Languages from the University of Rouen and PhD in Language Sciences from INALCO (National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilizations). Ayapaneco language
Ayapabot: using Twitter as a revitalization tool

Marco Antonio Martínez. Originally from Santa María Ocotepec, Mixe, Oaxaca, Mexico. Member of Kumoontun A. C. Member of the Network of Digital Activists of Indigenous Languages in Latin America. Speaker of the Ayöök language
The ap-ok maaytïk and the Kumoontun app.

Hugo Cortez Lemus. Originally from Arantepacua, Michoacán, representative of this community established in the city of Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico. He was state coordinator of the Indigenous Front of Binational Organizations (FIOB) from 2008 to 2010. Speaker of the P’orhé language.
The preservation and revitalization of the P’orhé (Purhépecha) language on the U.S.-Mexico border.

Adriana Kupijy Vargas. Originally from the community of Tejas, in the municipality of Santa María Tlahuitoltepec, Mixe, Oaxaca. Student of Pedagogy at the Facultad de Estudios Superiores Acatlán, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM).
Community libraries. Promotion of culture and revitalization of language and community thought.

Coordinated by:

David Lagunas (IEAL- department of Social Anthropology).

Aline Lara (Honorary Researcher, Department of Philology, University of Seville).

Oswaldo Cuadra (Tijuana Cultural Center)

Collaborating entities:

UNESCO-International Years Indigenous Language.

Secretariat of Culture, Mexico. Tijuana Cultural Center

Kumoontun A. C

Instituto Nacional de Lenguas y Civilizaciones Orientales

Laboratorio SeDyL (Estructura y Dinámica de las Lenguas) del CNRS (Centro Nacional de la Investigación Científica)

Bibliotecas Comunitarias Oaxaca


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Celtic Film Festival 2021 in Paris (Online) Mon, 25 Jan 2021 14:55:53 +0000 Celtic film festival organised by the Governments of Scotland and Wales, in collaboration with the région Bretagne in France and UNESCO.

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Celtic languages such as Breton, Scottish Gaelic and Welsh have been spoken in Bretagne, Scotland and Wales respectively for more than 1,500 years and, although their use have declined over the centuries, they remains a valuable part of people’s cultural identity. As their custodians, we have a duty to protect these indigenous languages.


In light of the upcoming International Decade of Indigenous Languages (IDIL), the Governments of Scotland and Wales, in collaboration with the région Bretagne in France and UNESCO, are pleased to propose to organise a film festival in Paris, France.

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BASAbali Wikithons Wed, 09 Dec 2020 19:08:02 +0000 We hold wikithons (digital competitions) every 2-3 months to engage different swaths of the public around current issues. For example, we’ve held wikithons asking people to share their coping strategies under Covid-19 or how they’ve managed interfaith conflicts in their families or communities.  Each wikithon is held in Balinese and winning entries are translated into […]

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We hold wikithons (digital competitions) every 2-3 months to engage different swaths of the public around current issues. For example, we’ve held wikithons asking people to share their coping strategies under Covid-19 or how they’ve managed interfaith conflicts in their families or communities.  Each wikithon is held in Balinese and winning entries are translated into Indonesian and English.  We use a number of modalities — short essays, photographs with captions, storytelling, and videos — to engage different sectors of the population.

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