High Level Dialogue ‘ICT 4 ALL: Indigenous languages matter for peace, innovation and development’, WSIS Forum 2019
April 10, 2019 3:00 pm - April 10, 2019 4:30 pm
Global | Switzerland | Geneva | International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Headquarters
Conferences / Advisory
The High Level Dialogue will provide space for open consultations and encourage discourse on a shift of paradigm on the important role that indigenous languages could play towards sustainable development if ICTs are made accessible, inclusive and affordable for all, including indigenous language users. Indigenous languages are imbued with invaluable potential and universal knowledge that can be unlocked in order to contribute to development and innovation in domains such as education, science and research, culture, policy, industry and environment.
The panel will build on the outcomes of the recently held consultations for the elaboration of the Global Action Plan for the implementation of the United Nations General Assembly Resolution (REF.: 71/178) [1] that proclaimed 2019 the International Year of Indigenous Languages, and explore ways in which the recommendations could be incorporated and mainstreamed within the WSIS framework on usage of inclusive and accessible ICTs by indigenous language users in all societal domains.
The high-level dialogue also aims to raise global attention on the critical risks confronting indigenous languages and their significance for sustainable development, reconciliation, good governance and peacebuilding. Furthermore, the panel will build synergies and contribute to the ongoing discussions across different WSIS Action Lines.
UNESCO, as lead UN agency for the organization of the International Year of Indigenous Languages and as facilitator of several WSIS Action Lines, will bring together high level panelists who are actively engaged in policy-making, international cooperation, civil society and human rights activities, technological analysis and industrial development with the aim to share their experiences in the area of digital inclusion and contribute to shaping the Action Lines’ future.
Action plan for organizing the 2019 International Year
of Indigenous Languages.
About WSIS Forum
The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Forum
is a global United Nations (UN) multistakeholder
platform facilitating the implementation of the WSIS
Action Lines for advancing Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs). It is co-organized by ITU, UNESCO, UNDP and
UNCTAD, in close collaboration with all WSIS Action Line
co-facilitators and other UN organizations,
representing the world’s largest annual gathering
of the ‘ICT for development’
In 2019, WSIS will celebrate its 10th anniversary of the establishment of WSIS Forum, under the theme “Information and Communication Technologies for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals”. It provides an opportunity for information exchange, knowledge creation and sharing of best practices, while identifying emerging trends and fostering partnerships, taking into account the evolving Information and Knowledge Societies.