
Partnerships help leverage resources, expertise and competencies to promote universal ideals and values, to achieve common development goals, and to strengthen the visibility and impact of its actions.

By becoming a partner of IYIL2019, stakeholders including governments, indigenous people, civil society, the media, and UN-system and intergovernmental organizations, as well as the public and private sector will not only contribute to the success of a worthy cause, but also enjoy the benefits of being part of an initiative that reaches a worldwide audience.

You can contribute to the success of IYIL2019

Actions taken during IYIL2019 are intended to focus global attention on the critical risks confronting indigenous languages and help improve both their chances of survival and the lives of those who speak them.

Partners can chose to collaborate with UNESCO and the Steering Committee and other stakeholders like governments and engage with international, national or local indigenous groups, indigenous peoples, media and other organizations.  They can also decide to create an event of their own or come up with new activities based on the 15 suggested categories. This could be anything from organizing a cultural, information-sharing or promotional event, to sponsoring an official activity, or promoting IYIL2019 through the partners’ communication channels and activities.

4 Partnership modalities


Organizing awareness-raising academic, cultural, sport, information-sharing and promotional events


Sponsoring official events, activities and projects

provide know-how

Providing know-how human resources, equipment, tools and other facilities


Promoting through your communication channels and activities, as well as creating and disseminating content

Partnerships and support for the implementation of the International Year can be tailor-made to suit you or your organization.
This includes both financial and non-financial contributions.

Partnerships fall into the following different categories:

Partner,  Sponsor,  Friend,  Volunteer,  Media partner,  Promoter

Public-private partner

  • Private sector partnership
  • Bilateral funding partners

Civil society partner

  • Non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
  • Academic – universities and other higher education institutions, research institutions in higher education
  • Media

Public-private partner

  • UNESCO Honorary and Goodwill Ambassadors, and UNESCO Artists for Peace
  • Category 2 institutes and centres under the auspices of UNESCO
  • UNEVOC Network
  • UN Volunteers
  • UNESCO Associated Schools project Network (ASPNet)
  • Associations, Centres and Clubs for UNESCO


  • Volunteers

5 main areas of intervention

  • Increasing understanding, reconciliation and international cooperation
  • Creating favourable conditions for knowledge-sharing and dissemination of good practices with regards to indigenous languages
  • Integrating indigenous languages into standard-setting
  • Empowerment through capacity-building
  • Growth and development through elaboration of new knowledge

15 event categories

  • International conference of states
  • International meetings
  • Non-governmental organizations
  • International congress
  • Advisory committees
  • Expert committees
  • Seminars and training/courses
  • Symposiums
  • Concerts
  • Performance/theatre
  • Exhibitions
  • Sports events, traditional sports and games
  • Film screenings
  • Other
  • Online events
  • Media


The International Year is attracting interest from global stakeholders including governments, NGOs, indigenous peoples, civil society, international and regional organizations, academia, the private sector, the media and others.

By partnering with IYIL2019, you will get the exclusive opportunity to benefit from.

  • Tailor-made access to UNESCO's knowledge resources, expert analysis and global networks
  • Raising your international profile, creating strategic business alliances and networking
  • Contributing to positive social change through your Corporate Social Responsibility programme
  • Publicity and acknowledgement in all related documentation and press
  • Being part of a global initiative that reflects United Nations values

Apply for organizational partnership


Step 1

Firstly, you need to register as a user by filling the appropriate registration form.

Once you have completed the form, submit it and wait for confirmation.
You will receive an e-mail confirming you have been approved as a user.

Step 2

Once you have become a registered user you will have the option to apply for partnership in My IYIL2019.


Main Facilitator

With support

In collaboration

Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples


UN partners

Governmental partners

Social – Civil society partners


There are many possible actions that can be taken by partners within the five areas of intervention.   Below is a list of just some of the potential outputs for the Year.

  • Communication campaigns including on social media
  • Production of short documentary films and other audio-visuals material
  • Collection of cultural and traditional resources
  • Research and best practices
  • Launch event
  • Flagship publication
  • Data collection
  • Research outcomes
  • Nomination of International Year ambassadors, language champions and promoters
  • Involvement of Goodwill Ambassadors and Artists for Peace from UNESCO
  • Involvement of other United Nations system organizations for the promotion of the International Year
  • Involvement of indigenous Olympians, athletes and practitioners of traditional sports and games
  • Involvement of UNESCO Chairs and the Associated Schools Project Network
  • A series of media partnerships delivering both global and specialized media, cultural and film festivals
  • Flagship initiatives launched by partners
  • Side events international, regional and national conferences, summits, meetings, gatherings, cultural and sports events
  • Traditional sports and games festivals
  • Exhibitions, concerts, film festivals and screenings
  • Launch of new language technologies
  • Capacity-building workshops designed for teacher training institutions including teachers in service)
  • Showcase of new learning and teaching materials such as teacher courses and dictionaries)
  • Commemoration of international days
  • Contests
  • Production of a final report