Online Indigenous Film Festival (OIFF)

June 3, 2019 13:00   – June 14, 2019 13:00 

The countries from Latin America and the Caribbean together with UNESCO are launching an  Online Indigenous Film Festival (OIFF)  within the context of the  International Year of Indigenous Languages 2019 (IYIL2019)  and of the upcoming 4th  Latin American and the Caribbean Week , that will take place on 3 – 7 June 2019 at UNESCO Headquarters (Paris, France).


The region of Latin America and the Caribbean is culturally and linguistically diverse. Indigenous languages equip speakers with an invaluable skillset and expertise in different domains, enabling them to engage in constructive, dynamic and creative societal development. They have the potential to benefit humanity as a whole, not only local populations.


On the occasion of the celebration of Latin American and the Caribbean Week, over two weeks (3-14 June 2019), more than 80 films produced by professional filmmakers from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, El Salvador, Mexico and Peru  will be released on the IYIL2019 website and associated social media Channels, as well as on the dedicated Playlist on the  UNESCO YouTube Channel.  


The films will be available in Spanish and indigenous languages spoken in the LAC region such as Damana (Pueblo wiwa), Kamëntsá, Awápit, Namtrik (Pueblo Misak), Nasa yuwe, Mojeño Ignaciano, Chacobo, Chiquitano, Kalapalo, Matlatzinca, Tojolabal, Tojono, Otomí, Waorani, Movima, Machineri, Cavineño, Huasteco, Yaqui, Tseltal, Huichol, Qhas Qut Suñi Urus, Uru Chipaya, Moré, Tsimane, Ch’ol, Mayo, Purépecha, Seri, Cucapá, Weenhayek, Náhuatl, Nasa yuwe, Guaraní, Mosenten Beni, Kayabi/Kawaiwete, Millcayac, Matapi, Tinigua, Tehuelche, Guaná, Chaná, Uru uchumataqu, Tapiete, Awajún, Quechua, Amahuaca, Taushiro, Sapanish, and others. Subtitles in English and/or Spanish are provided.


Every day around 10 to 15 films, of different lengths, will be released, according to a schedule arranged around thematic areas : indigenous knowledge of the environment, education, sustainable production and consumption, preservation of cultural and natural heritage, the role of indigenous women.


The key message that UNESCO aims to put forward is that indigenous languages and their associated thought systems represent a valuable source of knowledge for sustainable development, peace building and reconciliation processes in society . These languages hold significant information in the fields of the environment, education, the economy, and social and political life. They hold the potential to benefit humanity as a whole. As captured by the filmmakers, indigenous knowledge can provide original solutions to contemporary challenges, including climate change, since indigenous people play a very important role in the preservation of natural areas, as well as for building peace and ensuring reconciliation.


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The ecological wisdom of indigenous peoples

Forests account for 30 percent of the Earth’s surface, providing vital habitats for millions of species and important sources for clean air and water. They contribute to the preservation of biodiversity, together with being the home of several indigenous populations. Additionally, oceans cover three quarters of the Earth’s surface and over three billion people, including indigenous groups, who often depend on marine and coastal biodiversity for their livelihoods.

Indigenous languages are shaped by their environment – it is their attempts to describe their surroundings that form the bases of their unique tongues. Indeed, indigenous traditional knowledge of the environment promotes harmony and respect, and represents a key resource that could be critically harnessed to develop new solutions to combat climate change. When natural resources are eroded, so is the resilience and integrity of the environment and the tribe. Listen to indigenous voices to learn more about indigenous ecological knowledge and wisdsom, and on how to protect, restore and use sustainably terrestrial systems and biodiversity.

Themes:  SDG 15: Life on Land, Protection of Fauna, Protection, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems & SDG 13 – Climate Action & SDG 14 – Life below water
Country: Bolivia
Language: Mojeño Ignaciano
Subtitles: Spanish
Duration:  7:54

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Themes:  SDG 15: Life on Land, Protection of Fauna, Protection, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems & SDG 13 – Climate Action & SDG 14 – Life below water
Country: Bolivia
Language: Chacobo
Subtitles: Spanish
Duration: 5:54

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Themes:  SDG 15: Life on Land, Protection of Fauna, Protection, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems & SDG 13 – Climate Action & SDG 14 – Life below water
Country: Bolivia
Language: Chiquitano
Subtitles: Spanish
Duration: 7:15

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Themes:  SDG 15: Life on Land, Protection of Fauna, Protection, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems & SDG 13 – Climate Action & SDG 14 – Life below water
Country: Bolivia
Language: Mosetén
Subtitles: Spanish
Duration: 7:14

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Themes:  SDG 15: Life on Land, Protection of Fauna, Protection, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems & SDG 13 – Climate Action & SDG 14 – Life below water
Country: Bolivia
Language: Qhas Qut Suñi Urus
Subtitles: Spanish
Duration: 7:43

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Themes:  SDG 15: Life on Land, Protection of Fauna, Protection, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems & SDG 13 – Climate Action & SDG 14 – Life below water
Country: Brazil
Language: Kalapalo
Subtitles: English
Duration: 13:45

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Themes:  SDG 15: Life on Land, Protection of Fauna, Protection, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems & SDG 13 – Climate Action & SDG 14 – Life below water
Country: Mexico
Language: Matlatzinca
Subtitles: English
Duration: 1:25

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Themes:  SDG 15: Life on Land, Protection of Fauna, Protection, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems & SDG 13 – Climate Action & SDG 14 – Life below water
Country: Mexico
Language: Tojolabal
Subtitles: English
Duration: 1:05

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Themes:  SDG 15: Life on Land, Protection of Fauna, Protection, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems & SDG 13 – Climate Action & SDG 14 – Life below water
Country: Mexico
Language: Tojono
Subtitles: English
Duration: 1:05

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Themes:  SDG 15: Life on Land, Protection of Fauna, Protection, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems & SDG 13 – Climate Action & SDG 14 – Life below water
Country: Mexico
Language: Otomí
Subtitles: English
Duration: 1:05

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Themes:  SDG 15: Life on Land, Protection of Fauna, Protection, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems & SDG 13 – Climate Action & SDG 14 – Life below water
Country: Mexico
Language: Ch’ol
Subtitles: Spanish
Duration: 1:05

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Themes:  SDG 15: Life on Land, Protection of Fauna, Protection, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems & SDG 13 – Climate Action & SDG 14 – Life below water
Country: Mexico
Language: Mayo
Subtitles: Spanish
Duration: 1:05

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Themes:  SDG 15: Life on Land, Protection of Fauna, Protection, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems & SDG 13 – Climate Action & SDG 14 – Life below water
Country: Mexico
Language: Purépecha
Subtitles: English
Duration: 1:10

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Themes:  SDG 15: Life on Land, Protection of Fauna, Protection, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems & SDG 13 – Climate Action & SDG 14 – Life below water
Country: Mexico
Language: Mazateco
Subtitles: Spanish
Duration: 1:05

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Themes:  SDG 15: Life on Land, Protection of Fauna, Protection, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems & SDG 13 – Climate Action & SDG 14 – Life below water
Country: Argentina
Language: Waorani
Subtitles: Spanish
Duration: 2:48

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The ecological wisdom of indigenous peoples

Forests account for 30 percent of the Earth’s surface, providing vital habitats for millions of species and important sources for clean air and water. They contribute to the preservation of biodiversity, together with being the home of several indigenous populations. Additionally, oceans cover three quarters of the Earth’s surface and over three billion people, including indigenous groups, who often depend on marine and coastal biodiversity for their livelihoods.

Indigenous languages are shaped by their environment – it is their attempts to describe their surroundings that form the bases of their unique tongues. Indeed, indigenous traditional knowledge of the environment promotes harmony and respect, and represents a key resource that could be critically harnessed to develop new solutions to combat climate change. When natural resources are eroded, so is the resilience and integrity of the environment and the tribe. Listen to indigenous voices to learn more about indigenous ecological knowledge and wisdsom, and on how to protect, restore and use sustainably terrestrial systems and biodiversity.

Themes:  SDG 15: Life on Land, Protection of Fauna, Protection, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems & SDG 13 – Climate Action & SDG 14 – Life below water
Country: Bolivia
Language: Movima
Subtitles: Spanish
Duration: 10:27

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Themes:  SDG 15: Life on Land, Protection of Fauna, Protection, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems & SDG 13 – Climate Action & SDG 14 – Life below water
Country: Bolivia
Language: Machineri
Subtitles: Spanish
Duration: 9:52

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Themes:  SDG 15: Life on Land, Protection of Fauna, Protection, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems & SDG 13 – Climate Action & SDG 14 – Life below water
Country: Bolivia
Language: Cavineño
Subtitles: Spanish
Duration: 11:22

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Themes:  SDG 15: Life on Land, Protection of Fauna, Protection, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems & SDG 13 – Climate Action & SDG 14 – Life below water
Country: Bolivia
Language: Yaminagua
Subtitles: Spanish
Duration: 10:45

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Themes:  SDG 15: Life on Land, Protection of Fauna, Protection, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems & SDG 13 – Climate Action & SDG 14 – Life below water
Country: Bolivia
Language: Moré
Subtitles: Spanish
Duration: 6:58

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Themes:  SDG 15: Life on Land, Protection of Fauna, Protection, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems & SDG 13 – Climate Action & SDG 14 – Life below water
Country: Bolivia
Language: Tsimane
Subtitles: Spanish
Duration: 8:01

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Themes:  SDG 15: Life on Land, Protection of Fauna, Protection, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems & SDG 13 – Climate Action & SDG 14 – Life below water
Country: Mexico
Language: Huasteco
Subtitles: English
Duration: 2:15

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Themes:  SDG 15: Life on Land, Protection of Fauna, Protection, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems & SDG 13 – Climate Action & SDG 14 – Life below water
Country: Mexico
Language: Yaqui
Subtitles: Spanish
Duration: 2:50

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Themes:  SDG 15: Life on Land, Protection of Fauna, Protection, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems & SDG 13 – Climate Action & SDG 14 – Life below water
Country: Mexico
Language: Tseltal
Subtitles: Spanish
Duration: 1:05

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Themes:  SDG 15: Life on Land, Protection of Fauna, Protection, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems & SDG 13 – Climate Action & SDG 14 – Life below water
Country: Mexico
Language: Huichol
Subtitles: Spanish
Duration: 1:05

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Themes:  SDG 15: Life on Land, Protection of Fauna, Protection, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems & SDG 13 – Climate Action & SDG 14 – Life below water
Country: Mexico
Language: Seri
Subtitles: English
Duration: 1:05

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Themes:  SDG 15: Life on Land, Protection of Fauna, Protection, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems & SDG 13 – Climate Action & SDG 14 – Life below water
Country: Mexico
Language: Cucapá
Subtitles: Spanish
Duration: 1:05

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Themes:  SDG 15: Life on Land, Protection of Fauna, Protection, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems & SDG 13 – Climate Action & SDG 14 – Life below water
Country: Mexico
Language: Zapoteco
Subtitles: English
Duration: 3:40

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Themes:  SDG 15: Life on Land, Protection of Fauna, Protection, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems & SDG 13 – Climate Action & SDG 14 – Life below water
Country: Mexico
Language: Zoque ayapaneco
Subtitles: French
Duration: 1:05

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Indigenous Education

Children and young people of indigenous families remain less likely to be enrolled in school or in training programmes and more likely to underperform than non-indigenous children. Indigenous peoples are entitled to the right to education – both individually and collectively – as stipulated in the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. However, this important right is often not respected, protected and fulfilled.

Additionally, teaching in schools is often only in officially recognized languages, preventing speakers of indigenous, minority and lesser-used languages to receive an education, or forcing them to lose mastery and practice of their own language. Through an inclusive approach, UNESCO calls on countries to remove the barriers that limit the presence, participation and achievement in education of indigenous peoples. Developing appropriate, bilingual and inclusive educational policies can be achieved only by positing indigenous language speakers as main actors of the development process.

Theme:  SDG 4 – Access to education, quality and intercultural education
Country:  Chile
Language:  Spanish
Subtitles:  Spanish
Duration:  5:22

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Theme:  SDG 4 – Access to education, quality and intercultural education
Country:  Chile
Language:  Spanish
Duration: 1:59

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Theme:  SDG 4 – Access to education, quality and intercultural education
Country:  Mexico
Language:  Náhuatl
Subtitles:  Spanish
Duration:  1:50

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Theme:  SDG 4 – Access to education, quality and intercultural education
Country: Argentina
Language: Spanish
Subtitles:  Spanish
Duration:  2:59

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Theme:  SDG 4 – Access to education, quality and intercultural education
Country: Argentina
Language:  Uru Chipaya
Subtitles:  Spanish
Duration:  3:01

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Theme:  SDG 4 – Access to education, quality and intercultural education
Country: Argentina
Language: Millcayac
Subtitles:  Spanish
Duration:  3:00

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Indigenous Education

Children and young people of indigenous families remain less likely to be enrolled in school or in training programmes and more likely to underperform than non-indigenous children. Indigenous peoples are entitled to the right to education – both individually and collectively – as stipulated in the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. However, this important right is often not respected, protected and fulfilled.

Additionally, teaching in schools is often only in officially recognized languages, preventing speakers of indigenous, minority and lesser-used languages to receive an education, or forcing them to lose mastery and practice of their own language. Through an inclusive approach, UNESCO calls on countries to remove the barriers that limit the presence, participation and achievement in education of indigenous peoples. Developing appropriate, bilingual and inclusive educational policies can be achieved only by positing indigenous language speakers as main actors of the development process.

Theme:  SDG 4 – Access to education, quality and intercultural education
Country:  Peru
Language:  Amahuaca
Subtitles:  English
Duration:  64 min 42

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Sustainable agriculture, consumption and production

There is increasing awareness of the paramount contribution of indigenous knowledge practices and technologies to food security. However, Indigenous knowledge systems have never been systematically recorded in written form and therefore are not readily accessible to agricultural researchers, development practitioners, and policy makers. This collection of films contributes to make available a corpus of knowledge about sustainable agricultural, production and consumption practices to a larger audience and to learn from them to build a better future.

Themes:  SDG 2 – Zero Hunger Sustainable agriculture and consumption practices & SDG 12 – Sustainable Patterns of Consumption and Production
Country:  Bolivia
Language:  Guaraní
Subtitles:  Spanish
Duration:  8:59

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Themes:  SDG 2 – Zero Hunger Sustainable agriculture and consumption practices & SDG 12 – Sustainable Patterns of Consumption and Production
Country:  Bolivia
Language:  Aymara
Subtitles:  Spanish
Duration:  8:55

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Themes:  SDG 2 – Zero Hunger Sustainable agriculture and consumption practices & SDG 12 – Sustainable Patterns of Consumption and Production
Country:  Bolivia
Language:  Mosenten Beni
Subtitles:  Spanish
Duration:  5:19

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Themes:  SDG 2 – Zero Hunger Sustainable agriculture and consumption practices & SDG 12 – Sustainable Patterns of Consumption and Production
Country:  Brazil
Language:  Kayabi/Kawaiwete
Subtitles:  English
Duration:  20:08

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Themes:  SDG 2 – Zero Hunger Sustainable agriculture and consumption practices & SDG 12 – Sustainable Patterns of Consumption and Production
Country: Colombia
Language: Spanish
Duration:  24 min 01

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Sustainable agriculture, consumption and production

There is increasing awareness of the paramount contribution of indigenous knowledge practices and technologies to food security. However, Indigenous knowledge systems have never been systematically recorded in written form and therefore are not readily accessible to agricultural researchers, development practitioners, and policy makers. This collection of films contributes to make available a corpus of knowledge about sustainable agricultural, production and consumption practices to a larger audience and to learn from them to build a better future.

Themes:  SDG 2 – Zero Hunger Sustainable agriculture and consumption practices & SDG 12 – Sustainable Patterns of Consumption and Production
Country:  Bolivia
Language:  Guarayo
Subtitles:  Spanish
Duration:  9:24

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Themes:  SDG 2 – Zero Hunger Sustainable agriculture and consumption practices & SDG 12 – Sustainable Patterns of Consumption and Production
Country:  Bolivia
Language:  Afrobolivian
Subtitles:  Spanish
Duration:  6:47

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Themes:  SDG 2 – Zero Hunger Sustainable agriculture and consumption practices & SDG 12 – Sustainable Patterns of Consumption and Production
Country:  Brazil
Language:  Kayabi/Kawaiwete
Subtitles:  English
Duration:  16:29

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Sustainable communities

Local languages foster and promote local cultural specificities, customs and values that have endured for thousands of years. Among indigenous communities, incredibly rich ethical and value systems that support solidarity and equality in society are transmitted by elders to younger generations. Indigenous people, and elders in particular, ensure the preservation of indigenous languages by transmitting them orally, through songs, customs and traditions. It is through languages that sustainable communities continue to exist and to be built, and that indigenous values and skills fostering the protection and safeguard of local cultural and natural heritage are passed from one generation to another. Indeed, if a language disappears, the whole socio-cultural foundation of the community of its speakers is put at risk. Be inspired by the stories of indigenous people

Themes:  SDG 11- Sustainable Cities and Communities, Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage (11.4) & SDG 16 – Peace and Justice, Strong Institutions
Country:  Brazil
Language:  Kalapalo
Subtitles:  English
Duration:  20:55

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Themes:  SDG 11- Sustainable Cities and Communities, Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage (11.4) & SDG 16 – Peace and Justice, Strong Institutions
Country:  Bolivia
Language:  Mojeño Trinitario
Subtitles:  Spanish
Duration:  9:26

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Themes:  SDG 11- Sustainable Cities and Communities, Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage (11.4) & SDG 16 – Peace and Justice, Strong Institutions
Country:  Bolivia
Language:  Itonama
Subtitles:  Spanish
Duration:  8:36

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Themes:  SDG 11- Sustainable Cities and Communities, Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage (11.4) & SDG 16 – Peace and Justice, Strong Institutions
Country:  Bolivia
Language:  Kallawaya
Subtitles:  Spanish
Duration:  7:22

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Themes:  SDG 11- Sustainable Cities and Communities, Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage (11.4) & SDG 16 – Peace and Justice, Strong Institutions
Country:  Argentina
Language:  Yagán
Duration:  1:18

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Themes:  SDG 11- Sustainable Cities and Communities, Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage (11.4) & SDG 16 – Peace and Justice, Strong Institutions
Country:  Argentina
Language:  Matapi
Subtitles:  Spanish
Duration:  1:22

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Themes:  SDG 11- Sustainable Cities and Communities, Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage (11.4) & SDG 16 – Peace and Justice, Strong Institutions
Country:  Argentina
Language:  Tinigua
Duration:  1:23

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Themes:  SDG 11- Sustainable Cities and Communities, Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage (11.4) & SDG 16 – Peace and Justice, Strong Institutions
Country:  Peru
Language:  Taushiro
Subtitles:  Spanish
Duration:  10:52

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Themes:  SDG 11- Sustainable Cities and Communities, Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage (11.4) & SDG 16 – Peace and Justice, Strong Institutions
Country: Mexico
Language: Mixteco
Subtitles: English
Duration: 3:14

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Sustainable communities

Local languages foster and promote local cultural specificities, customs and values that have endured for thousands of years. Among indigenous communities, incredibly rich ethical and value systems that support solidarity and equality in society are transmitted by elders to younger generations. Indigenous people, and elders in particular, ensure the preservation of indigenous languages by transmitting them orally, through songs, customs and traditions. It is through languages that sustainable communities continue to exist and to be built, and that indigenous values and skills fostering the protection and safeguard of local cultural and natural heritage are passed from one generation to another. Indeed, if a language disappears, the whole socio-cultural foundation of the community of its speakers is put at risk. Be inspired by the stories of indigenous people

Themes:  SDG 11- Sustainable Cities and Communities, Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage (11.4) & SDG 16 – Peace and Justice, Strong Institutions
Country:   Bolivia
Language:  Pacahuara
Subtitles:  Spanish
Duration:  9:17

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Themes:  SDG 11- Sustainable Cities and Communities, Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage (11.4) & SDG 16 – Peace and Justice, Strong Institutions
Country:  Bolivia
Language:  Canichana
Subtitles:  Spanish
Duration:  5:54

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Themes:  SDG 11- Sustainable Cities and Communities, Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage (11.4) & SDG 16 – Peace and Justice, Strong Institutions
Country:  Mexico
Language:  Totonaco
Subtitles:  English
Duration:  1:29

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Themes:  SDG 11- Sustainable Cities and Communities, Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage (11.4) & SDG 16 – Peace and Justice, Strong Institutions
Country:   Mexico
Language:  Tlahuica
Subtitles:  Spanish
Duration:  1:05

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Themes:  SDG 11- Sustainable Cities and Communities, Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage (11.4) & SDG 16 – Peace and Justice, Strong Institutions
Country:   Mexico
Language:  Paipai
Subtitles:  English
Duration:  1:05

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Themes:  SDG 11- Sustainable Cities and Communities, Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage (11.4) & SDG 16 – Peace and Justice, Strong Institutions
Country:  Argentina
Language:  Tehuelche
Subtitles:  Spanish
Duration:  1 min 20

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Themes:  SDG 11- Sustainable Cities and Communities, Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage (11.4) & SDG 16 – Peace and Justice, Strong Institutions
Country:  Argentina
Language:  Guaná
Subtitles:  Spanish
Duration:  1 min 23

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Themes:  SDG 11- Sustainable Cities and Communities, Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage (11.4) & SDG 16 – Peace and Justice, Strong Institutions
Country:  El Salvador
Language:  Spanish
Subtitles:  Spanish
Duration:  23 min 47

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Sustainable communities

Local languages foster and promote local cultural specificities, customs and values that have endured for thousands of years. Among indigenous communities, incredibly rich ethical and value systems that support solidarity and equality in society are transmitted by elders to younger generations. Indigenous people, and elders in particular, ensure the preservation of indigenous languages by transmitting them orally, through songs, customs and traditions. It is through languages that sustainable communities continue to exist and to be built, and that indigenous values and skills fostering the protection and safeguard of local cultural and natural heritage are passed from one generation to another. Indeed, if a language disappears, the whole socio-cultural foundation of the community of its speakers is put at risk. Be inspired by the stories of indigenous people

Themes:  SDG 11- Sustainable Cities and Communities, Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage (11.4) & SDG 16 – Peace and Justice, Strong Institutions
Country:  Bolivia
Language:  Sirionó
Subtitles:  Spanish
Duration:  9:41

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Themes:  SDG 11- Sustainable Cities and Communities, Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage (11.4) & SDG 16 – Peace and Justice, Strong Institutions
Country:  Bolivia
Language:  Cayubaba
Subtitles:  Spanish
Duration:  6:50

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Themes:  SDG 11- Sustainable Cities and Communities, Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage (11.4) & SDG 16 – Peace and Justice, Strong Institutions
Country:  Bolivia
Language:  Yuqui
Subtitles:  Spanish
Duration:  9:41

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Themes:  SDG 11- Sustainable Cities and Communities, Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage (11.4) & SDG 16 – Peace and Justice, Strong Institutions
Country:  Bolivia
Language:  Yuracaré
Subtitles:  Spanish
Duration:  9:49

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Themes:  SDG 11- Sustainable Cities and Communities, Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage (11.4) & SDG 16 – Peace and Justice, Strong Institutions
Country:  Chile
Language:  English
Subtitles:  English
Duration:  2:50

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Themes:  SDG 11- Sustainable Cities and Communities, Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage (11.4) & SDG 16 – Peace and Justice, Strong Institutions
Country:  Argentina
Language:  Uru uchumataqu
Subtitles:  Spanish
Duration:  1 min 18

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Themes:  SDG 11- Sustainable Cities and Communities, Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage (11.4) & SDG 16 – Peace and Justice, Strong Institutions
Country:  Argentina
Language:  Tapiete
Subtitles:  Spanish
Duration:  1 min 19

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Themes:  SDG 11- Sustainable Cities and Communities, Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage (11.4) & SDG 16 – Peace and Justice, Strong Institutions
Country:  Argentina
Language:  Chaná
Duration:  1 min 17

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Themes:  SDG 11- Sustainable Cities and Communities, Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage (11.4) & SDG 16 – Peace and Justice, Strong Institutions
Country:  Peru
Language:  Quechua
Subtitles:  English
Duration:  14 min 50

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Themes:  SDG 11- Sustainable Cities and Communities, Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage (11.4) & SDG 16 – Peace and Justice, Strong Institutions
Country:  Peru
Language:  Shipibo
Subtitles:  English
Duration:  09 min 36

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Themes:  SDG 11- Sustainable Cities and Communities, Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage (11.4) & SDG 16 – Peace and Justice, Strong Institutions
Country:  Mexico
Language:  Tsotsil
Subtitles:  Spanish
Duration:  1:05

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Themes:  SDG 11- Sustainable Cities and Communities, Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage (11.4) & SDG 16 – Peace and Justice, Strong Institutions
Country:  Mexico
Language:  Tojono O’otam
Subtitles:  Spanish
Duration:  1:05

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Themes:  SDG 11- Sustainable Cities and Communities, Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage (11.4) & SDG 16 – Peace and Justice, Strong Institutions
Country: El Salvador
Language:  Náhuat / Spanish
Subtitles:  Spanish
Duration: 23:08

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Indigenous Women

Indigenous women play a fundamental role in their societies; they are often responsible of the transmission of language to children, take care of the household, and ensure the maintenance of family relations. However, they often face discrimination and violence within and outside their communities, especially when structured around a patriarchal system, and face extreme vulnerability. By educating themselves, practicing forms of art, and engaging in everyday practices of empowerment, indigenous women and girls resist imposed values and practices that marginalize them. What is the status of indigenous women in Latin America and the Caribbean? What can be done to improve it?

Theme:  SDG 5 – Gender Equality and Fight against discrimination
Country:  Bolivia
Language:  Quechua
Subtitles:  Spanish
Duration:  8:05

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Theme:  SDG 5 – Gender Equality and Fight against discrimination
Country:  Bolivia
Language:  Ayoreo
Subtitles:  Spanish
Duration:  6:16

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Theme:  SDG 5 – Gender Equality and Fight against discrimination
Country:  Bolivia
Language:  Baures
Subtitles:  Spanish
Duration:  6:48

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Theme:  SDG 5 – Gender Equality and Fight against discrimination
Country: Mexico
Language: Maya
Subtitles: English
Duration: 2:29

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Theme:  SDG 5 – Gender Equality and Fight against discrimination
Country:  Bolivia
Language:  Ese Ejja
Subtitles:  Spanish
Duration:  8:49

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Theme:  SDG 5 – Gender Equality and Fight against discrimination
Country:  Peru
Language:  Quechua
Subtitles:  English
Duration:  14 min12

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Theme:  SDG 5 – Gender Equality and Fight against discrimination
Country: Colombia
Language:  Awápit
Subtitles: Spanish
Duration: 24 min 25

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Theme:  SDG 5 – Gender Equality and Fight against discrimination
Country: Argentina
Language: Spanish
Duration: 2min 59s

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Partners of the IYIL2019 Film Festival
(Latin American and the Caribbean Week at UNESCO)