link | State Library of Queensland “Word of the Week” Week Six

  • State Library’s Word of the Week for Week 6 [5-11 February 2019] is yawara [pronounced ya-wah-rah] from the Wangkumara language of Western Queensland – meaning ‘language’.
    State Library of Queensland invites you to celebrate the 2019 International Year of Indigenous Languages as we raise awareness of the rich diversity of Queensland’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages.
    Join the conversation as we post a new word for each week!

  • Category: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages
  • Thematic area: Language learning and teaching
  • Call topics: Intergenerational transmission
  • Major objective: Thematic areas: Promotion
  • Area of intervention: Creation of favourable conditions for knowledge-sharing and dissemination of good practices with regard to indigenous languages