12th Toronto Undergraduate Linguistics Conference (TULCON12)
March 9, 2019 9:30 am - March 10, 2019 4:00 pm
Europe and North America | Canada | Toronto | University of Toronto (St George)
This March, the University of Toronto’s Society of Linguistics Undergraduate Students will be organising the 12th annual Toronto Undergraduate Linguistics Conference (TULCON) . This is the longest consecutively-running undergraduate linguistics conference in North America, organised by and for undergraduate students. TULCON features presenters from the University of Toronto and universities across North America (and beyond), giving students the opportunity to share their research, meet fellow aspiring linguists, and further their appreciation for linguistics and language studies.
With the United Nations marking 2019 as the Year of Indigenous Languages, we have invited several keynote speakers from our university to speak on topics under this theme. These include Prof. Suzi Lima ( Linguistics and Spanish & Portuguese departments ) and Jessica Denniss ( Linguistics PhD candidate ), who will present talks on their work on the indigenous languages of Brazil and Australia respectively. In line with the theme of ‘Indigenous Languages’ for the keynote speakers, many of our undergraduate presenters will also be touching on underrepresented, understudied or minority languages in their talks or during our poster session.This year’s undergraduate presenters will present on a wide range of topics, such as “ Inflectional Morphemes inside Derivation: An Investigation of Oji-Cree “, “ Modifier Reduplication in Gilaki ” and “ Topic-valued Null-Subjects and Noun Class Agreement in Kinyarwanda ”.
This conference is open to anyone and everyone who is interested in languages and the field of linguistics. Through our keynote talks and undergraduate presentations, we hope to highlight the importance and significance of studying underrepresented and minority languages.