Fenno-Ugria tribal evening: The Day of Mary Hero
April 25, 2019 7:00 pm - April 25, 2019 9:00 pm
Europe and North America | Estonia | Tallinn | Vanalinna Muusikamaja (Uus 16c)
Cultural events
25th of April 2019
at 7pm in Vanalinna Muusikamaja (Uus st 16c, Tallinn, Estonia)
Every year mari people (finno-ugric region in Russia) celebrate the Day of Mari Hero. This evening is a celebration of Fenno-Ugria as a gift for all the mari people living in Estonia and elsewhere. Poro kas, a reknown musical collective from Mari republic will perform.
April the 26th was the day when the Mari leader Boltush was killed in Cheremiss Wars (1552–1584). This was the period of struggle for independence of the Mari (Cheremiss) people that was finally lost to the Russian Empire. Boltush was killed in 1553 (according to other sources, in 1556) and since 1917 mari people celebrate this day as a special day.