Peace and Non-Violence: From the Roots of the Original People (Joint Collaboration of Indo-Mexican Indigenous Peoples for a Better Tomorrow)
September 28, 2020 5:15 pm - September 28, 2020 10:00 pm
Global | India, Mexico | New Delhi, India, Mexico | Virtual
Conferences / Advisory
“Peace and Nonviolence: From the Roots of the Original People”
‘A Joint Collaboration of Mexican – Indian
Indigenous Peoples for Better Tomorrow’
Monday, 28th of September, 2020
Indigenous People’s Issues and Education
The Adivasis/Tribal knowledge, socio-cultural traditions, philosophy and economic practices are attached to Mother Earth. Their community and self-governance is generally democratic and upholds human values, community conscience, based on justice, peace and harmony. The present model of national and global development has affected them and they are facing immense violence. This webinar will explore how indigenous people in India are planning to use national laws and international UN declarations, treaties and conventions to sustain their survival and the survival of the planet.
Join efforts of indigenous communities of Mexico and India
We would like to jointly share with our Mexico brothers/ sisters common practices to ensure the continuance of Mother Earth. The recent COVID-19 pandemic has given us common challenges. In bringing together the experiences at the root of our traditions and land, we hope we can better promote peace and harmony.