link | IECMap (interfaz de explotación de corpus del mapudungun)

  • This is a CQPWeb interface which was created by Andrew Hardie (Lancaster University). Our version is adapted and in translation process, even though we offer the original English version also.

    The Mapudungun corpus are morphologically tagged with Dungupeyem , while the Spanish and English ones are tagged with FreeLing [License conditions] .

    The available corpus contain the sentences in Mapudungun, and the respective translations into English and Spanish, of the Part III. Morphology and morphosyntax of the noun , and the Part VIII. Texts from A Grammar of Mapuche .

    [ Ineke Smeets (eds.: Bossong, G., Comrie, B., Dryer, M.) A Grammar of Mapuche. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 2008 ]

  • Category:
  • Thematic area: Language technologies and digital resources
  • Call topics: Technology and e-economy (e.g. language technology)
  • Major objective: Focus attention on the critical risks confronting indigenous languages
  • Area of intervention: Growth and development through elaboration of new knowledge