document | My Journey on Coastal Noongar Boodjar (Noongar Country)
Some places that can be found on Noongar boodjar around Wardandi, Pindjarup, Wadjak, Yoowat and Amangoo country as I travel the coastal area.
Posting an article on 'Local Stories', I share about some of the beauty that can be found in the south west region of Western Australia. This is my journey on Noongar boodjar (Noongar country) of some selected places (including Noongar Language Centre) with use of some Noongar language in the article.
- Category: Aboriginal language
- Thematic area: Promotion
- Call topics: Environmental and language activism
- Major objective: Deliver capacities to take concrete actions and measures to support, access and promote indigenous languages
- Area of intervention: Creation of favourable conditions for knowledge-sharing and dissemination of good practices with regard to indigenous languages