gallery | Note in memory of Dr.Raffaele Bracale
The Accademia Napoletana (Neapolitan Academy) for Dr. Raffaele Bracale passing.
Dr.Raffaele Bracale Emeritus teacher and connoisseur of Neapolitan language and culture, member of the Neapolitan Academy, a scientific group to teach and promote Neapolitan Language and Heritage.
He represented one of the most important cultural figures of the city of Naples, in Italy and abroad.
Doctor Raffaele Bracale, a distinguished scholar and researcher of the Neapolitan historical-linguistic heritage, has dedicated his entire life to the preservation, promotion, and protection of the Neapolitan, especially for the new generations. Inspirer, member, and moral guide of the Neapolitan Academy (Accademia Napoletana) chaired by Massimiliano Verde, he leaves a wealth of studies, research of immense value for the defense of the Neapolitan identity. Recognition and condolences for his high cultural merit come to him from all over the world, from Spain (Real Academia de Cultura Valenciana) to the Latin American continent (Red Internacional de Investigadores de Lenguas, Literatura y Educación), to the USA.
The Neapolitan Academy will continue working in memory and following the teachings that the excellent Doctor Bracale left. - Category: Culture
- Thematic area: Language learning and teaching
- Call topics: Intergenerational transmission
- Major objective: Thematic areas: Promotion
- Area of intervention: Empower through capacity-building