November 24, 2020 5:00 pm - November 24, 2020 7:00 pm
Asia and the Pacific | India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Cambodia, Thailand, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Indonesia, Timor-Leste | New Delhi | India Indigenous Peoples (c/o Indian Social Institute)
Conferences / Advisory
Friends, Indigenous communities across the world are
rich with their own
distinct multiple identities like culture, language,
traditions, norms, beliefs,
knowledge, wisdom and practices. Indigenous communities
have their
own Indigenous Languages that carry the origin of their
identity. Indigenous
Knowledge and innovations are inherently rooted in
Indigenous Languages.
Hence, Indigenous Language is the fundamental human
rights for the Indigenous Peoples which has been
recognized by articles 2 and 27 of the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and the
articles 12 and 13 of the United Nations Declaration on
the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP). In order
to protect, promote, revitalize, use and transmit the
Indigenous Languages to the future generations, the
United Nations declared the year 2019 as ‘International
Year of Indigenous Languages’(IYIL) and 2022-2032 as
International Decade of Indigenous Languages (IDIL).
There are approximately 476.6 million Indigenous peoples
in the world,
belonging to 5,000 different groups in 90 countries
worldwide, about 70 percent of Indigenous Peoples live
in the Asia Pacific. Sadly many of the
Indigenous languages are in an endangered situation in
ASIA. It invites all ASIAN Indigenous community leaders
and peoples to take initiatives to protect, promote
and revitalize our own Indigenous Languages in ASIA
Having known and understood the values of languages and
cultures how
collectively we take action in ASIA for IDIL 2022-2032
is a big task ahead of us. Just to have a primary
discussion and sharing may, I invite you all for a
webinar on 24th of Nov. 2020. Each country
representative can share the status of Indigenous
Languages/Cultures of your Country and thoughts for IDIL
2022-2032 for three to four minutes.
If you would like to give any suggestions, You are most
welcome. You can
circulate to your known peoples/ leaders and other
international friends in
Indigenous communities.
The link and other details will be sent to you soon.
Looking forward to your Cooperation
With best Wishes
Nicholas Barla
India Indigenous Peoples
Steering Committee member for Organizing IYIL 2019, Asia, UNESCO